Since I was already walking by the side at the very beginning, I didnt bother to turn to look at the cyclist. That doesnt mean that I didnt notice him.
When I finally turned around, there was no other person, therefore he muz be ringing at me!
Choose the following which u think maybe the reason for his continuous ringing.
1) He was testing his new bell, which he juz got 1 min ago, and was very excited.
2) He really thought I am a 'cao yi lang'(grass 1 wolf---> difficulties in hearing), didnt/couldnt hear him coming from behind.
3) His finger cramped while positioning at the bell.
4) He was trying to annoyed me into giving him a suplex.
Fortunately, I was carrying my food in 1 hand, thus the lucky idiot escaped with no injuries.
Personally, when I'm on my bike, I hardly use my bell even when the need arises.
I normally choose to go off track, and bash thru the grass, unless it's muddy, then i slow down and move behind the pedestrians. If they make way, say thanks.
The path is called pedestrian walkway, Not bicycle path. Do not demand the right of way.
Bicycles are unofficially allowed on the walkway because of the dangers posed on road by the other vehicles to them. In turn, they should appreciate it, and not cause inconvenience or danger to the pedestrians.
Lastly, it's halloween today. I post a rare photo of my participation here.
In case u dunno wat's happening, basically it's juz my braces are in orange and black. The 2 colours of halloween...
My dentist's idea btw.
Hope no child/adult/monstor/ghost/cartoon character haf a slpless night because of this photo.
Happy Halloween :)