Let me start of by asking a riddle/joke:
"Which grp of superheroes is drug addict?"
Find the answer at the end of the post...
Work has been fun and at a comfortable pace. I get to know some new friends and with a blink of the eye it's already over...
My work is 1month based. Since I started on 9 of June, my last day was 8 July. If any leave was taken, juz need to pay back 1 working day to get the full paycheque.
On my 2nd last day of work, every1 was telling me not to come 'tmr'. Keep psycho me that even if I come, boss also wun come.
(From this incident, you can tell how popular I am, with every1 cant bear wif the fact that I will be leaving them soon... Bwahahaha.)
And that night boss went drinking wif friends, so there is really a probability that he wun be able to come the next day (Boss no come means, I cant get my monies -_- need to go on another day to take.)
Maybe I felt luckily, I came the next day and boss was there too :D
He has been drinking till 5am. *Touched*
Anyway, there was some1 else who was getting his paycheque that day as me. So if boss nv come, that's too bad for 2 of us. At least I got a partner :D
“要死也是一起死。。。 哈哈!”
After receiving my cheque, I saw my sinister-looking eyes looking for ways to 'makan' my cheque or at least make me treat... (Why is this the case everywhr I go?)
On the way out to lunch, the other guy went to bank it his cheque (smart move), while I was harrassed by the mass of wat I was supposed to treat every1.
(Oh ya, Wilson u still owe me KFC 2 pc chix meal $, O$P$ ok?)
Anyway, that day, I was playing a game called Lemonade Tycoon, which is available on the school's laptops, during watever free time I haf. (Last day dun play wait till when then play?)
Basically, is juz trying to 'take over the world' wif your lemonade empire. Haha, quite nice to play considering the few options we had.
By 520pm, it's sa-yo-na-ra to my new friends and the SAS...
I know that they will be missing my 冷笑话/lame jokes and my super power decoding 'wat song the radio is playing' ability, and most of all, my beautiful voice that they have all grew to be unable to live wifout =x.
Wilson, SONG BO. William/Boss nv come on ur last day. MUHAHAHA.
(plz dun take the above line as a true representation of JJ's character. This is juz an example of wat JJ
wun do =p)
OK, last of all, the answer to the riddle.

The Power Rangers. Why?
Cause every episode they will say "It's morphine time!"
Haha, didnt you get frozen? Power ranger fans dun curse me plz.
I bet you all nv heard this one b4, cause I thought of it myself *proud*
Well that's all folks. Will be updating more often since I'm freer now.