Thursday, July 31, 2008

Last last work

First of all, I'm sry for 'bluffing' that I will be posting soon after my previous post.
I was free, but lazy.

I went back to SAS ytd to try to find a only daughter of the family/独生女(sry abt my english)
NO, that was juz KH suggestion. (any1 forgot the long missing evil KH?)
I was there to replace my colleague who was taking his IPPT on that day.
I was abit reluctant to wake up that morning, but since I promise, and being a responsible person, I moved my butt to go to work, 1 last time...

When I reach work at 9 sharp, I was earliest, as usual -_-
The next guy only arrive at 915. And they ate breakfast in front of me.

Work was juz as 'tough', and we knock off at 530.
30min earlier, could be even earlier, if not for us trying to finish our scramble game. =x

1 last photo at SAS

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