Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well, I juz went for my 2nd blood test on Monday.
It was alot better as compared to the first.

During the first visit, when I reach.
I told the nurse I got previous incidents of fainting.
He immediately transferred me to the bed, juz in case.
He took 3 tries and 15s of the 3rd, b4 it's bullseye.
He told me my vein thinner than his needles. (Lousy blame my veins)
I was -_-, I tot only army's medics so bobo...

Luckily monday's session was a great success.
It was done by another nurse with me on the bed again (shy).
Haha, this time she only took 3s on the first try.
Muz be my mojo, that inspired my veins to be garung.
I left the clinic feeling proud and happy...

Haha, this post was posted in conjunction wif NTU blood donation drive.
I am very proud and envious of ppl donating blood.
They say donating blood is 1 of the kindest act possible.
I'm too cowardly to do it and futhermore I'm on medications now, a better excuse.
Although I cant donate mine, I urge those who are brave and healthy to donate theirs to help those in need.

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