Even so, it's 2h b4 we left the gym.
Come saturday, came first bad news, sy cant go, means sy's friend wun be going also :(
Less gal for me to show off my prowess to...

So I went on my bikey to JJC. I was quite punctual, only late 15min. Lol
The people which turn up was alot less than on the list, was abit disappointed. Kian hao strain his foot while walking downstairs looking at zha bor, zl's boss summon him to office, corina nv c email -_-
So since I was *punctual*, there is not enouf ppl present to start a game (only got 5), if eugene bring his gf will be good --6, haha, but I think he dun dare.

So as we wait for our balonglong jx to come and then slowly fill up her bottle which took 10min,
I did some warmup. (stretching is impt to minimise injuries)
Finally first game kick off, err, I mean bounce off...
Then even later zk arrive to make a total of 7 ppl. Haha, every1 want to be in the 4 people team, then oh-pai-somg so mani times, keep saying unfair unfair(some gal). Lol, only 1 gal there. As I was playing, I have my fans cheering for me "JJ go, go JJ!"
They having some camp over there, cheering for themselves 顺便cheer for me also.
Then my friend wilson like to emphasize on the C part, as in JJ 'si' (die/死) -_-
I didnt play well that day, abit dun wan to move, dun wan to jump. I was a Nua-ster. Zk on the other hand was very enthu, chasing after ball, shooting quite well. Muz compliment him.
They keep suggesting to come my house play mj. But my house no mj, no table. They even tempt me by saying will organise singing session for me. I was abit tempted

After that went jp for lunch then go home. Evil kok haw try to trick me say they go jw market to eat. Lucky I not stupid.
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