Haha, read books more beneficial right?
So, wif my bikey, i cycle down to the nearest library, JW community library which is juz a 10min ride away.
When I went in there, I was abit stun, so mani ppl. Not only were there students of about my age mugging, even primary 6/sec 1 looking xmm, xdd studying inside. !_! eye opener.
I went to my usual wu xia xiao shuo corner and began digging. But ppl like to walk in my 'lane' pic below to illustrate... (Sry if my drawing spoil ur eye).
So I have to siam a side to allow them to pass.
In the end I borrow 3 titles, and end up with 11 books. OMG!
I think I borrow too much liao, imagined need to finished 11 books in 21 days.
Not quite possible -_-"
I think I borrow too much liao, imagined need to finished 11 books in 21 days.
Not quite possible -_-"

After all the trouble of carrying home, I need to carry them back to library unfinished in 3 weeks time. 只能怪自己,没想清楚.
Haiz, good training for my ICT maybe?
Ok, off to mug my books.
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