Dunno why I always tempted to do personality test...
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NSC = National Skin Center It is located next to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, which is in turn next to Novena MRT station. And I'm back there from 3 yrs. T.T (Background info: I was a patient there for acne problem, discharged after 1yr of treatment) It all started after my ICT. Since then, my face has experienced an outcontrollable outbreak of acnes which wun heal. I finally decided to visit the polyclinic last month to get referral letter to NSC. (The standard SOP for seeing specialist) The doctor at the polyclinic says "ur face acne not that bad leh, are u sure u want to see specialist?" If I waited any longer, maybe really no face left -_- So last monday, I took a 1.5h trip to dear NSC. (Dun complain SG is so small only, think about those that need to go to sch from novena or pasir ris everyday) Ah-Q spirit... During my turn for examination, there was 2 students/trainees inside. The doc examine and say it's quite jialat, with nodules. (degree of chui-ness 3.5/4) (Definition: An inflamed acne lesion presenting as a hard, painful lump under the skin. Nodules occur when there is a deep break in the follicle wall and contaminated debris empties into the dermis, infecting adjoining follicles.) You see, doc of diff level say diff stuff. She called her boss aka senior consultant to check if she can prescribe the same drug, isotretinoin, I had for last time. Then came Mr Boss, with 3 more students. And he starts giving lesson on isotretinoin to students present. *Students took out notebook* "This drug is make up of vit A, cannot be used wif ABC (another drug), dosage of the drug is calculated base on the patient weight, relapse is low...." Relapse is low, but it occurs to me. *saddest* Very pro, all the info inside his brain, like computer like that. But I was feeling like WTH, like frankenstein. No wonder there's a notice on the pamphlet informing you that NSC is a training center for students, if u are uncomfortable with the students ard, u can tell the doc. Haiz, for the sake of education, endure! Finally, I signed the agreement form for absolute personal use of the drug, and understanding the side effects of it. But b4 I could take the medicine, I need to do a blood test after fasting for 8h. Meaning, I need to come again to do a blood test(tmr). Wait for results to come out, then going back finally to collect medicine. This will basically be the cycle for the next 1yr over the duration of the course. (If u are interested in the drug, isotretinoin, Doc JJ, 久病成医, can gif u some info) It works by shrinking the sebaceous glands, reducing the amount of oil found on the skin. It generally causes peeling of skin, lips cracking, dryness in eye. It increases cholesterol levels and do something do liver enzymes (hence the blood test). If you are pregnant or may get pregnant, isotretinoin can cause birth defects, miscarriage, premature births, and death in babies. Patient are forbidded to donate blood within 1 month of last dosage, due to the reason above. Rare: patients taking isotretinoin may experience side effects including bad headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, seizures, stroke, diarrhea, and muscle weakness. Additionally, serious mental health problems, such as depression and suicide, have been reported with isotretinoin use. Lets hope I dun encounter problems in the last section. It truly is a dangerous drug. (Polyclinic cant issue this) And also damaging on the wallet. (I spend 1k on my previous course of 1yr) Well then, I will be gifing my blood to the syringe and the test tube tmr. Hope I dun faint. (That's a story for the next time).
(You might wan to read the previous post first) Since the day my mp3 went diving. I have been looking for a new one. Music is a necessity to me. Thus I began scouting, and it so happens that Creative to have a national day promotion. I was getting rdy to strike, when I found out Comex is juz around the corner. So I endured in hope of getting a better deal. And ytd was the day. I went down to Comex at suntec in the afternoon. The first thing I noticed, "Aye, the route is different, I tot last time is use overhead bridge, how come now is underpass?" (JJ's been living on his island) But the change is most welcome, more spacious than b4 to allow quicker flow of human traffic. The crowd there is quite ok(muz be bc is friday afternoon). Not till the extend whr movement is difficult. I shoot straight to the few dealers I have in mind. Namely Samsung, Sony & Creative. Samsung was having a great promotion, they cut the price rather aggressively and have this 1 for 1 deal. (Buy a more ex mp3 and gif u a cheaper 1) But I had no use for 2 mp3 (I'm hearing alot of "gif me la" comments from ur minds) -_- Along the way up, I saw like at least 3 booths from them. Next up, Sony. They are only selling 3 new models. The nicest looking one happens to be the most basic one. Their 'best' model is fugly IMO. Then I tried looking for my friend, Wilson aka rabbit, working at Dell. Couldnt see him, dunno whr he 'tuanging' (another word for slacking) So I proceed to my last station. They selling their 2gb ZEN + ac adapter for $129, add on earpiece EP 630 for $30. I saw at their newsletter was $149 for everything. So I tried to ask the guy. He dunno -.-" So I approach the higher up. I told him wat I saw. He say "Ok, I gif to u at $129." !_! I was taken aback by the deal for a while, b4 coming back to my senses. Halfway thru payment, then I realised I have Dennis's Creative card wif me. (My brain really dead that day) I asked whether the card can be used. The cashier gal "Err....." The guy next to her say "Sry, we dun accept the card here." Well, I dunno he smoking me or wat. Nv-the-less, I was happy enouf. I filled in the lucky draw(HUAT AH!) and decided to look for my buddy once again. Walk around for a while and finally saw him. He standing at a premium spot... wif no ppl. Haha, a pro's a pro. (His job is fixed pay, no haf commission) I chit chat wif him a little and ask him whr got sell dvd. (My dad's instruction) So happen court is juz beside and they are selling. I grabbed 1, peek at rabbit once more (got customer liao), wanted to take foto of him in action, but hands are filled. Then bb to Comex. Here are 2 floor plans for those interested in going.  
Hey! U there, dun curse my mp3, dun think I dunno. Especially u...
Well, the story date back to the national day weekend. On National's day nite, I looked at my sch bag and thought, oh boy, how much dirtier can it be? And decided to gif my bag a deserving wash. So I take out 'everything' and throw my bag inside a pail and cover it wif water and some washing powder. Then I step and stomp at it to get the dirt out. Repeat process for 3times. After that, I took it out and started brushing it. Here I brush, there I brush. "Lalala... So happy" 'Boink' something dropped out of my bag. That looks familiar, like my mp3 !_! Errr, my mp3 is dirty and need to wash too? "NO...... 我不要。。。" Time out, stop operation bag washing, start operation mp3 rescuing. So faster wipe it dry, shake out some the water that went in. And pray... So at the end of the day, my bag became clean and new, while my mp3 became clean and spoilt. T_T
Ghost are out; School is in. Beijing Olympics started; National Day over. Within this short span of 2 week, so much have happened. I went back to sch and saw familiar faces. Most of my friends end up in the same course, and even the same class, as we planned our timetable tgt. I love my 4days school-week timetable. Most of the lecturers and tutor are ok. But there's always exceptions. *sad* The maths lecturer is dam chui. (I believe those in same module would raise both hand to agree) "If u got any problems, u can telephone me." ---> Hafiz's fav Furthermore, just when I tot KH was the number 1 in 'zao xia', he totally own KH by doing juz that once every 2 sentences. I guess 一山还比一山高, KH加油阿! Last friday, I managed to get tic for Claire *郭静 campus concert, thx to buddy kin onn. *not 郭靖 if u dunno there's a diff in the word* LKC was packed, come another 50 and they would haf to sit on the floor. I didnt expect a full house as she was not really popular in my opinion. I notice her nose very sharp. She has a nice voice, and she's walks the path of a cutie pie. (Whether or not that's her real personality is a diff issue all tgt) She's rather friendly and make a pt to walk a complete round in LKC to try to shake many hands. She shook mine as well. *shy* Haha, when she was passing by, Dennis was high or act high, and was shouting... Then she ask “你叫什么?”, asking he shouting for wat... I wanted to answer “他叫Dennis...” -_- *Chinese pun* But due to her tour, 2 of her nice songs was compromised... Abit wasted. Then she threw posters at the crowd, boys and gals jump to grab. I saw skirts fly. *gals wearing skirts shd be careful.* And in a case, I saw a NBA style rebound grab on the poster. !_! Stunned Every1 sang to the no 1 hit <下一个天亮> tgt as the finale. Haha, overall it was a ok concert. Dennis was telling me the table tennis match in the afternoon more exciting -.- Like that also can compare?
I had 3 sessions of badminton in 8 days... Majiam like badminton is cca. First session we play wif lousy 'pioneer' shuttlecock supplied by urs sincerely. Bo bian we ran out of our better ones. They keep complaining of how easy the shuttle flys out of bound wif the minimum strength used. So basically we are juz trying not to out. No fun really. So after the game, we buy a dozen of good ones and guess who's arrowed to keep and bring? -_- We played our 2nd and 3rd session free. =x We didnt pay for the court fee, after we observed the staffs there actually is not strict about it, and there's lot of freeloader around, unlike the jw cc one --- once the time's up, the security guard comes up and chase u away. By my 3rd session, I can feel my skills improve, I was able to react faster to return the shots. KH smashed shuttle into every1 other than me :D I'm master of evasion, haha, siam first 'tok' later. I even managed to return the atk and head-shot KH. JJ's on FIRE! They queered YY play better than me on earlier on, muz be that false comment inspired the inner badminton talent in me to react and explode. On 2nd Aug, I went ECP blading/cycling trip wif S22. We met for lunch at 12, finished at 1. Only to realise the bus service only start at 2pm. 被骗 We only managed to start proper at 3pm due to some later comers... I rode a double's bike wif zk, cause he can neither cycle nor blade. If not he will be left alone, so I 牺牲. (We are NOT gay) We went to bedok food corner, near me and KH's camp, to haf the very nice qing teng. When returning, zk swapped wif lr, and kin onn swap wif Jac, as the gals are destroyed after balding for nearly 3h. While lr was at my back, she was constantly screaming for me to go slower, I'm not even fast(fast is subjective?) and we dun look like we are going to crash. Got JJ dun worry. All in all, the turn up rate for the event is rather good, so it's considered as a success.
First of all, I'm sry for 'bluffing' that I will be posting soon after my previous post. I was free, but lazy. I went back to SAS ytd to try to find a only daughter of the family/独生女(sry abt my english) NO, that was juz KH suggestion. (any1 forgot the long missing evil KH?) I was there to replace my colleague who was taking his IPPT on that day. I was abit reluctant to wake up that morning, but since I promise, and being a responsible person, I moved my butt to go to work, 1 last time... When I reach work at 9 sharp, I was earliest, as usual -_- The next guy only arrive at 915. And they ate breakfast in front of me.
Work was juz as 'tough', and we knock off at 530. 30min earlier, could be even earlier, if not for us trying to finish our scramble game. =x
1 last photo at SAS
Let me start of by asking a riddle/joke: "Which grp of superheroes is drug addict?" Find the answer at the end of the post... Work has been fun and at a comfortable pace. I get to know some new friends and with a blink of the eye it's already over... My work is 1month based. Since I started on 9 of June, my last day was 8 July. If any leave was taken, juz need to pay back 1 working day to get the full paycheque. On my 2nd last day of work, every1 was telling me not to come 'tmr'. Keep psycho me that even if I come, boss also wun come. (From this incident, you can tell how popular I am, with every1 cant bear wif the fact that I will be leaving them soon... Bwahahaha.) And that night boss went drinking wif friends, so there is really a probability that he wun be able to come the next day (Boss no come means, I cant get my monies -_- need to go on another day to take.) Maybe I felt luckily, I came the next day and boss was there too :D He has been drinking till 5am. *Touched* Anyway, there was some1 else who was getting his paycheque that day as me. So if boss nv come, that's too bad for 2 of us. At least I got a partner :D “要死也是一起死。。。 哈哈!” After receiving my cheque, I saw my sinister-looking eyes looking for ways to 'makan' my cheque or at least make me treat... (Why is this the case everywhr I go?) On the way out to lunch, the other guy went to bank it his cheque (smart move), while I was harrassed by the mass of wat I was supposed to treat every1. (Oh ya, Wilson u still owe me KFC 2 pc chix meal $, O$P$ ok?) Anyway, that day, I was playing a game called Lemonade Tycoon, which is available on the school's laptops, during watever free time I haf. (Last day dun play wait till when then play?) Basically, is juz trying to 'take over the world' wif your lemonade empire. Haha, quite nice to play considering the few options we had. By 520pm, it's sa-yo-na-ra to my new friends and the SAS... I know that they will be missing my 冷笑话/lame jokes and my super power decoding 'wat song the radio is playing' ability, and most of all, my beautiful voice that they have all grew to be unable to live wifout =x. PS: Wilson, SONG BO. William/Boss nv come on ur last day. MUHAHAHA. (plz dun take the above line as a true representation of JJ's character. This is juz an example of wat JJ wun do =p) OK, last of all, the answer to the riddle.  The Power Rangers. Why? Cause every episode they will say "It's morphine time!"
Haha, didnt you get frozen? Power ranger fans dun curse me plz. I bet you all nv heard this one b4, cause I thought of it myself *proud* Well that's all folks. Will be updating more often since I'm freer now.
 1 of the few storerooms
After 2 weeks of rather intensive job, which includes moving over 10kg per piece of Cpu and CRT (the tv-like monitor), we are in for some good life... How good? Very good... :D For the past week, we have been working max 2h per day. It's not that we chao keng, is that, we cannot proceed further unless renovation of the school is done. The rest of the time, we were toking cock, singing song. On monday the first 'lala' day, after endless of bingo sessions, we knew it's time for more entertainments. So on tuesday, chess and cards started appearing =x
Next I would like to introduce some special ppl I met at work... 1) Emo malaysian guy. He always withdrawn and anti-social, does his work suga-suga, leaving ends for ppl to pick up. William personally was fed-up wif his attitude, and sent him back to office after 3 days. He's still in the coy juz becuz they are trying to be nice and wait for his work permit to arrive first...
2) Forgetful S11 coffee aunty. Aunty nv fails to bring us wrong drinks and yet she likes to take mutiple of orders from many tables at 1 go... Aunty:"Wat u wan to drink?" We:"3 Lemon Tea, 1 Green Tea, 1 hot Barley, 1 Kopi-O." Aunty:"Ok, so 3 Lemon Tea, 1 Green tea, 1 Barley, 1 Teh?" -.- We:"No Teh, is Kopi." *Aunty arrive wif order; 3 Lemon Tea, 1 Green Tea, 1 COLD Barley, 1 Kopi -.-" 3) Stalker. JJ's been STALKED! 1 guy from work has been copying my actions excessly, and has been over friendly to me, so much so it is getting quite awkward and uncomfortable to me. Wilson and 1 more guy has noticed it, and they add oil to the fire by repeating the stalker move on me. Now JJ dun dare to chu his pattern too openly, later stalker copy and use on me again (T.T)
4) Siao siao security 'chief'. On wed, security 'chief' went bonkers, and denied 1 of my colleague entry into the school because he wasnt wearing his pass(he was swinging it on his hand), and called in the police !_!Wat in the world u wan the police to do for u!?
5) Last but not least our mascot 'Xiao Bai'. We 'borrowed' him from some room =xHe's ever friendly and cute. Too bad he cant play fetch :( "Shhh, Xiao Bai at work" Let's hope my good life last long enough. 1 more week to payday! Yipee :DDDD
I know it's been rather long since I last update. Believe me I had alot of stories which I want to share, but it's juz I'm too tired/busy most of the time. Imagine, after work, only haf 5h b4 slping. Haha, ok, I'm simply juz not motivated enouf... No wonder fiz keep calling me lazy bum. Well, I happen to have some time now to share wif u my job scope. On thurs 5th June Ey sms, "Hey bro, got 1 day job lobang u wan?" [Being poor from no work(ICT pathetic $100 for 4 days cheap labour not counted) + contant nagging my dad (godpa for some -_-)] I enthu-ly replied "Yes, plz" So there I was on fri morning 855am at the doorstep of SAS (Singapore American School), wif Wilson (not the rabbit). *Editors note: wilson ong the rabbit will be refered to as rabbit, while wilson wong the not rabbit will get to keep his name, plz take note to avoid confusion for the subsequent posts :D* We meet our direct boss, William. He told us we juz need to carry and fix computer. Tgt wif 5 other colleagues, we changed pass to enter to school, and noticed a gurkha stationed wif a mp5(not mp3). !_! dun play play. There we went to a computer lab and started work. At first I tot need to fix ram, motherboard, (which I dunno), lucky is juz remove the old pc, and deploy the new ones. Juz take out everything, then put in the new ones. Plug in mouse, keyboard, wires. Easy enough. By lunch we settled 2 labs. Seeing the job as not bad, wilson and I decided to ask if we can continue working beyond today. William ask his boss, and yata, we are on. That day we were released from work at 430pm. 9 to 430 - 1h lunch = 6.5h. $60 for 6.5h whr to get sia! :D Too bad for ey for passing up the deal... Hehe
Wilson I add in the (ex) specially for u *shy*, are u touched? But if u come back, then no need ex la... Haha I swear If you come back Here's my life Baby, till the end of time Oh yeah And I swear I'll keep you right By my side 'Cause baby You're the one I want Oh yes you are (dun need u to vomit, I ownself vomit first) Sunday afternoon, I met KH at BL mrt then proceeded to DG mrt to meet wilson aka rabbit. Then we move to minds cafe. There we met our friends who already started w/o us. We chose the meal package since we haven had lunch. And so the shop personnel intro us to play a board game call Thieves of Baghdad. Basically, u haf to move treasure from the board to yourself. The one to haf 4 chest of treasure wins. After I lead KH and rabbit, they decided to tag team to attack me tgt -_- 2 v 1, they keep trying to chu pattern like 'accidentally' drop cards tgt, then after picking up their hands(cards) changed -_-" But good always triumph over evil. After enduring their onslaught, 上刀山,下油锅,地上爬,水里游, I managed to store enouf cards, and showed hand to win the game. (proud) After that, we(3+4) combined and play tgt. We play sabouteur... again. It's the game which I played more than 20 times. Thx to overnite chalet sabouteur marathon. The miner won all 3 rounds. Cause the sabouteur sabo-ed the sabouteur themselves. Haha... K la, they not sure how the game goes, forgivenable. After that, it's 2h already. "Wat? so fast?" They tried to make me treat again because of my Ippt $200. Dunno when will they stop using this 'trick'... Then we went over paradis center(err is it?) to play pool/arcade. I was more interested in arcade honestly speaking. But I played 2 rounds of pool still. First round: I gif free ball to lip jun not once, but twice when there is only black ball remaining. Guess wat? I won still. Hahaha.... First time I miss, then he also miss. 2nd time, I miss, he didnt miss, but he greedy, go in 2 tgt. Moral of story: nv gif up hope, there can be miracles :D 2nd round: I gif rabbit chance, let him win pool, since I already won boardgame. (act noble) No la, my luck run out. Moral of 2nd story: Dun use up all ur luck in the first game (T.T) Then follow Sooty around and watch arcade tgt. We both love aeroplane games :D First game, we cannot see the bullet charge and amount of bomb. So, we dunno how much bomb we haf at any pt of time. Quiz time: so play play, when bullet come cant avoid, what u press? "Bomb..." "So clever..." But when press no bomb come out how? "Boom..." "Genis seh..." T.T Then play another aeroplane game --- "Gunbird" Everything seems normal, till I press bomb. Sooty: "Bomb, BOMB!!" JJ: "Press liao, press liao!!!!" JJ: "NOooo...." So you see, no bomb again TT.TT But this time really not my fault, bomb button chui! After that go play the 3 player red, green, blue button japanese game. Know? Rabbit tanked the last spot for 3 games. Haha, then soon my turn. Keep keeping 2nd spot, but no use, when computer emo still 'zha' my palm(life)... Then play bang bang. I bobo la. 2nd round shoot 2 hostages =x, ppl 3 lives I left 1 -.- Last game go play marvel vs capcom. Play till 满身大汗 and light punch struck inside. I fiteing final boss half-way, Sooty intercept me to avenge his loss. Then my turn to lose. Ok la, super contented (I only got 5 buttons to use, haha, finding excuses again). But super shagged. Then it's bye bye to the platoon, and I, KH, rabbit went to marina square to watch Narnia the Casper Prince wif rabbit's friends namely zx, sm and another wilson(ah fats). Well, Narnia was not bad, although I find it abit too long for my liking. I shall not go into too much detail about it. In case I spoilt it. Well, I may make u all more interested in it on the other hand. Hmm, ok, I'm lazy, hehe... I give it 3.5/5. And I will be officially starting work on the next day on Monday, the feeling is freaking sian. Haiz. No work sian, got work also sian. Human are so hard to please. Shd blog about my work sometime soon, when I'm free + in the mood to do so. Until then, good luck to those having their exam for special sem.
I kope this from yiwen's blog. (Haha, always acknowledge ur sources.) I would say it's abt 85-90% accurate. See if u agree with me... Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes. Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. The seriousness of your love: You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love. Your views on education: Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own. The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. How do you view success: You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. What are you most afraid of: You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear. Who is your true self: You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long. Link to the quiz.
Thursaday 0000h was ntu result release timing. As with all great sales/nice freebies giveaway, tons on people have gathered outside the website, counting down to the moment. All are "rdy to strike"... Haha. I was abit 忐忑不安 about checking mine, as I have did badly for 2 of papers. So I ham... However, being a true gdsman, and juz finishing my ICT, I need to live up to my unit's moto. But at the same time being a courteous person, I decide to let those more gan jiong personnel check first. (Self-contradict) So, at wed 2355 go shower, (trying to cool myself down), thursday 0010 then fall in at computer table, and join in the clicking fun... I had so much fun clicking with approx 10 thousands other NTU students, so happy -_- I think result checking at the first moment is NTU most participated event, any yr without fail. As always, servers were overload by the over-enthu students, but every1 with great determinations, comes great will to click. (sry spidy-fans) Finally I got my results. I can say I'm pretty happy wif my results :D I got 3.6. I know for some of you, 3.6 sounds like the doomsday, but at the same time to others, it's like a godsend. Simply, I'm more inclined towards the latter. Many of my friends didnt do as well, I was quite sad for them. I was thinking maybe I got lucky, after I was un-lucky last sem. (JJ is a believer of luck, that's y he is a happy-go- lucky guy) Seriously, my physic 2 I tot baoed. But end up C+, juz like my physic 1. I happy wif the C+ really... So I shdn't complain. Kin onn got monstor result again, haha, not in our league, so shdnt compare. Anyway, juz want to congrat him... Now, after our result is out, 1 thing remaining is wat stream of engineering will we get into. (For common engine, we get to choose between 4 stream, mae, eee, ene, cee) I hope my results is enouf for mae. *Pray hard I happen to hear this song on the date of result release. 解脱 from 张惠妹 想 若结局一样 又何苦再想 伤 若让人成长 我为什么怕分手(失败)的伤 解脱是肯承认这是个错 我不应该还不放手 解脱是懂擦干泪看以后 找个新方向往前走 这世界辽阔 我总会实现一个梦 So for all who didnt do as well as they expected, hope we work hard from now on... What's done cannot be undone... Jiayou ba.
Monday went on job hunt/outing Meet kh and lulu at bl mrt. KH's late. Haha, met up wif wilson(gds) went to lavendar ICA to post application, then go beach road for lunch. I ate 辣椒面 but not full then eat 牛肉粉, both popular stalls over there. KH and lulu watch in disbelief, of why I can eat so much and still be so thin. (proud) I love eating :D although its quite hurting on the wallet :( While I eating, they threaten to leave me behind, unfrenly ppl. After my 牛肉粉, I suggested to eat desserts, I could sense their jaws dropping, haha... Ok la, dun make them wait too long, diet abit =x Then we went to international plaza while wilson went starhub for interview. Starhub only wants ppl who can commit 3 months, so basically is only SIM people. So at international plaza, we filled in forms after forms. Nothing interesting other than 1 grp of fellow female competitors. Everywhr we go, they follow, maybe they interested in us? Haha... Shameless After we are done, we trying calling rabbit. But he dao, nv pick up. So we went coffee bean chill out, read their newspaper and classified while spamming rabbit's phone. Finally, he pick up and announce got the job. *envious* Then we proceed to Kallang to watch SG vs U something. Queue for 30min, and by the time we went in, already 1-0. I have to say, sg defence is chui, like non-existent... But the atk is not bad. I was quite sad to see SG kenna owned. Haiz, (JJ is patriot). The little gal in front of us was asking her parents, why SG let them scored so many. I believe no 1 had the answer to that... In the end we left when the match is about 80min, to avoid the huge crowd (28k from official records). As we leaving we heard another 'GOAL', deep down we know is another goal conceed. So we proceed to old airport road for dinner. Walk about 20min, lulu keep complaining dun walk so fast/ are we reaching... Diao -_-" I ate the SG best wanton mee according to the U选美食王, well indeed, it's 1 of the nicest I eaten. Mee nice, chili nice, char sew nice, wanton also nice. Haha, I not good at describing food. I walk 1 round looking for my next course, but there are so many choices, yet not enouf space and $ for all :( In the end, I nv ate my round 2. Haiz, wasted. Finally took bus 30 home wif kok haw and lulu. Sit till blur. Oh man, I hate long bus ride...
Sat was my cousin loon's 21st bday celebration. Just 1 day after my ICT. To be frank, I totally forgot about it, and tot it will be another normal/boring sat. So as we waited for dad to come home from work, loon keep asking when we coming. Lol, hmm, 2359? No la. Finally dad came home at 5, while I was out buying 4D for him -_- I hate queuing. SG pools queue is like forever not long? Off we go to Pasir Ris... We first to reach, lol, I was surprised. So we went to clear the food. I eat liao, camp 1 spot dig out his brother comic and mug. Haha, his younger com-deprived bro was stationed 24/7 at the pc, even eat there, scared ppl kope. Soon, other relatives and loon's friends arrived. I was still there in my corner reading, my sis more pro, studying (!_!) ultra mugger... Then my relatives play big 2, my sis donated $ again. I think she no flair, too scared to lose will end up losing more. I didnt interact with loon's friends, haha, although it will be like a good chance to train my social skill which I have, close to zero... On the other hand, if I talk to them, maybe they dun ever dare to go loon's house again =x So finally cut cake go home, on the trip home, I veri shag and took a nap. Muz be the after effect of ICT, haven wear off. (yawnz)
Our ICT was 5 days, and lucky for us, the last day was a bn cohesion, haha, my prayer partially come true :D, refer to my (Friday, May 2, 2008 ICT post) We get to book out on thursday nite and proceed on our own to yishun safra on friday at 1030. Due to my overwhelming shagness, I slapped my alarm clock set at 0830, and slp till 915, when I supposed to meet mr KH (the most famous person in my blog) and lulu at 920! So I scrambled to brush and pack my bag so that I wun be too late... I finally reach yishun mrt at 1030, whr all my frens are waiting, paiseh to them. They kept trying to squeeze out my Ippt $200 as punishment -_- Excuses! Go train urself guys, u can do it. Juz do it... Then we begin our 15min walk to the location. We gathered at the pool for our main activity of the day --- some water telematch. Due to my injury and nua-ness, I didnt take part and watch show and play wif water. Haha 1st round was 2 person boat raft, our coy paddle chui and we chu stunt, pull the divider to move the raft. Idea, haha. 2nd round was stacking ppl on platform on the pool, we stack zero cause too greedy, put too many ppl then buai balance and all fall in water. Well, so did 2 other coy. So we are joint 3rd. 3rd round, nicest to watch as it was gladiator. We send our 6f 200 pound monstor to pawn them. Lol, no fite. 4th round, riding on inflatables. Haha, some of our inflatables kenna destroyed by violent kids/over excited Nsmen. The head broke -.-" The MO put the broken head over his, trying to act turtle man. Wilson ask him to transfer to IMH =x (In the meantime of the activities, our dear platoon was playing inflatables fite and overturning of each other's inflatables. Haha, we all got a child in us. *shy*) Half way thru, it started to drizzle and the gu niang Ns Gdsmen(me included, allergy to rain) all scatter for shelter, and 顺便 changed up for lunch :D Lunch was nice although not much variety. Then it was CO end of ICT talk and awards presentations. Some cockster decided to AWOL on the last day, tot dun need to come? He can wash his butt go DB liao. No common sense. Haiz... Our coy won the games day challenge. Kope some prize=(food). Hehe... Then awards for individual Ippt best station. I nv get most special SBJ jump (sad). Our bn 420 take Ippt, only 120 pass, 0 gold. CO not happy : ( Our coy 2nd 'fittest' in bn, haha, unexpected, I tot we will be last or 2nd last. Then our coy presented individual platoon best, I heng heng pioneer best. *very shy*  After that out-process and ICT was officially OVER!!!! Yay, I survived!
Then planned to go bowling within the safra, but totally packed. So plan B go bakit batok csc bowl, as suggest by KH as he can go play mj later in the same area. But csc bowl also packed -_- so went to play a game of pool while waiting. I won KH. Well, KH own goal black ball, as is considered I win : ) Finally got lane. First round I only got 52? Omg, wash gutter till veri clean. Then KH leaver go play mj. Left me, wilson, lulu and nehneh. 2nd round more fite, me, lulu and nehneh score diff only within 5. Guess hu's last? Tada.... Me (again) T.T I was 2nd last till last frame, lose 1 pin to nehneh... NOooo.... My score was 67. Well my hands are injured, no pride in winning an injured person. Haha, finding excuses, =x After that, nehneh go home eat, say wan to save $. (-_-) We suspect is fake nehneh, which is actually Selemat in disguise. (Background info, nehneh is a huat guy, full of $$$) Left me and lulu and wilson. We walk to westmall trying to look for mee. But end up in BK cause I wan to eat. I ate 2 student meals, mushrm and jr whopper. yao tio. Haha, when you are happy u eat more. My more happen to be juz 1 meal more =x Then go home, so happy, all is OVER!
After tots for ICT It's nice to see all my friends once again after 1.5 yrs, some changed (like hr, undergo some plastic surgery), while others still the same old self. I'm quite touched of the concern they showed me after I'm injured (although they keep suan my 'fake injuries), I really appreciated it :D I really like/miss the days I spend with them talking nonsense (ok, mainly is I'm the one doing it). Here, I wish all of them all the best and hope they take good care of themselves. Until then... PS: They can get platoon best the next ICT, I dun wan to get liao, haha, and train up their physical, and get silver wif me the next time =) "Let's be the fittest platoon in the whole bn!"
Well, I'm sure all of you know ur poor friend here have been suffering in camp for the past week, and u all love to hear the torments which he had gone thru, so here is it. The long awaited ICT post. First day, Booking InI was excited/nervous cant slp properly the previous nite.Aniway, reach outside of the camp at 0650, saw ah fook, bear already there, they live in yishun, so early come for wat... So I waited wif them for some other of our platoon-mates to arrive. Then from outside the gate, need to walk 8min into the in-process area. There, the RSM scanning every1's attire. "You dye hair; you go kiwi your boots; you behind need to cut" I belong to last grp -_- Sian juz cut 3 days ago, now need to cut again. Behind muz slope, cannot layer. Hmm, maybe if slope helmet can attach to head better? Out of all, probably only 15% of ppl pass his check = alot of biz for 'hairdresser' + long queue of ppl waiting to get their hair cut Finally my turn and unwilling paid $5 for 2min? (My new job direction, to take all the contracts for hairdressers in army camp, and be huat!) After in-pro go bunk nua while waiting for all to arrive. It's only 930am and every1 starts feeling hungry. They started to look ard for food, and some1 says "JJ got biscuit." *SHOCK* Who reveal my secret!? Bo bian, being a nice guy I take up my secret stash and shared wif my fellow pnr. *SHOCK 2* JJ go down draw SAW!!! (My weapon used to be SAR 21, which is about 1kg lighter than SAW) WTH! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wat nonsense seh, I became saw gunner and for the next 10 yrs T.T (Sry to wilson for laughing at you carrying the M2O3, 我知错了) LLST, I pass my tin of bisuit and went down wif the double blow. 哭笑不得。。。: ( When I come back, my tin of bisuit left 3 of the same variety. Well at least 还有一点良心 Soon, it began to rain. This song is playing in my heart.... 想哭 来试探自己麻痹了没 天灰灰 会不会 让我忘了你是谁 夜越黑 梦违背 有谁能安慰 我的世界将被摧毁 也许颓废也是另一种美 After that parade, boring and tiring although it's as simple as it can gets. Some 1 in front fainted, luckily he was caught in time... Lunchtime, food was alot better than we first tot. 8/10 for camp food. It was dam obvious the survey is tmr as you can c the supervisor super nervous and directing his staff. Then go e-mart shopping, filled wif ppl, super hot, they save electric, aircon on 1 side only -.-, I got myself a pair of PT shoe and powder for Wilson Wong. Wpn handling. Need to learn SAW instead of my dear SAR... Haiz Then main dish of today. IPPT The whole battalion taking, diao, super crowded and long q. Dunno I can manage silver anot: I wasnt about to get myself guage b4 the test, I didnt get proper rest, I was drain by activities prior to IPPT? The conducting for the IPPT told us there's video camera for all the stations, so we better dun chu pattern... I decided on my standard routine, always SBJ first. You wun imagine wat I did on the SBJ mat. For my first jump, after I 'jumped' I felt my feet slipped against the mat when I 'take off'. I landed, with a huge force pushing my body forward, naturally, I put on hand in front of the mat, then roll over(OMG!). So in short, I did a summer-sot on the SBJ mat. I stopped when my back hit the display board, and I even injured my knee. -_-! I could see the invigilator wanting to laugh but trying to ctrl face. Every1 was either stunned or laughing their ass off. Well only JJ is capable of such nonsense... (proud) I pick myself up and look at the distance, 225 only, not enouf. So I took another jump 239. Tada... My personal best. My friends were looking at me and keep laughing... "Hahaha" They told me, every1 after me failed because they laugh till no more energy, or they were scared to follow my example. Very frenly indeed. I think the invigilator will copy the tape home and watch it repeatedly 100 times, or he will send it to singapore funniest home video if there's 1. After that, I clear everything as per planned, with only the run remaining. Run was alot easier then I expected, 2 rounds of 1.2km. I did first round of 515(PRO!), and I slowed down abit for 2nd round. Still managed a 1115. My hard training paid off :D I was my platoon only silver. (proud again) $200 :D so happy By the time run ended, it was already 730, so we ate dinner(1/2 roast chicken, Wow) and then went for CO talk. CO talkwas about maintaining the bn, requirement for NS to complete his ICT, and striving for us to be the best NS bn. He promised to turn 1 high key to low key if we managed the award. And we are no more 3 Gds, now is 745 Gds. Dun ask me wat the number means. I dunno. After that, it was the end of the day 1. But I still cant fall asleep, haiz. Everytime in new environment 1st nite cant slp -.- Day 2Wake up super early 530. *Yawns Breakfast, then when fall in to move out. CAT 1, yay, go back bunk slp for 1 more h : ) Then move out. Found out a new platoon mate, Jun Xian from 1 ADF, welcome! No, not by tonner, we march in sbo to our destination roughly 3km away. Then do some obstacles course, then I injured again... We were supposed to do a jump across a small pool, after I jump, I put my hand down to support the impact, my hands were on sharp stone. Ouch, I see my skin dangling. Nvm, I'm a garung soldier can continue, then when I emerged from the tunnel, my whole palm was bloody and I was pull out of the course and sent for medical treatment. I dunno why half way thru the treatment I start to feel faint, my world start to turn black and grey. My lips were pale, maybe I'm really afraid of blood... My buddy kok haw went to fetch my bottle while I sit down to keep my conscious. I was starting to feel grateful to kh, and he starts the 'I-purposely-get-injured theory'. Tapai like that, not evil.... After that, I was basically an audience. Not able to join my platoon for anything. I took care of their valuables when they go for a xiong and wet course. Lunch was late and only came after 230. After that was range. First time firing my SAW. Fail till chui, dun think I hit anithing. Lol, but so were my fellow saw gunners. All also fail. So not that I was lousy. Haha. Go back camp clean arms. Then dinner. Nite after bath, time to take out my bandage. OMGOMGOMG, the wound stick to the freaking FAD. NOO.... When to find medic naqid(i dunno how to spell paiseh) for help, alot of my 'fren' went to c show. Sadist x_x Some suggest juz pull, !_!, but my caring naqid decided to be gentle and used the slow and gentle approach. PHEW... Then go medical center for proper dressing. End of Day 2. Total 1 knee, 2 palms injured. My fellow friend say wed is the day for the last leg to be hurt too. +_+ I had a good slp finally. Veri song :D Day 3Revision of charges. Lol, we forgot alot of things and we keep anihow whack the numbers at the trainer. My platoon was caring, I didnt haf to do anything, juz need to speak. (Touched) Lunch, then revision in air-con for thurs drill. Whack numbers again. It was a showdown between Sgt Christ and Lta Christ. "It's not wrong, right?" "It's really actually wrong" -_- Haha, Sgt Christ super high that afternoon with many of his theories for example, Iron Chicken method super funny. The day was a lot slacker than expected. We loaded store up the tonner for thurs drills, spend 1h. Nite was coy happy hour. Was supposed to have better food, but was only so-so, some cropped up from the top. I was emo cause maybe thinking about thursday xiong training? I dun know also... Many of my friends spotted it, cause it was written all over my face. They ask me to sit with them, they scared later need to fire 22 rounds and cover SG flag over me haha... I went to medical center to change my dressing and tok cock wif them. I didnt get injured today :D Day 4Today was the D-day. The xiongness equivalent to the previous 3 days add tgt perhaps? Need to build and breach 10coil and mine cluster. Normally doing 1 of this is already a killer. Half way thru constructing the 10coil, my dressing drop. Decided against risking it, and went for a re-dressing. Feel quite bad for leaving my platoon behind while I cowered away at the medical center, blowing the aircon and the cold water cooler. By the time, my wound was dressed, they were doing a AAR. They didnt meet the requirement and had to redo. But because it's the GSS, we were given a special, if 6 精英 of our platoon can fulfill his standard, then we will cut for morning, haha, obvious I was not 1 of them. So I jiayou for them, and kept the failed obstacles. Being 精英 of course they wun fail us, therefore, we can nua till afternoon. Then go canteen, and play the 20c plane arcade, super gao wei, the bandaged hand was inconvenient to use = my plane was incompetent in dodging = chui. Haha, 'boom'... Afternoon clear the obstacles, I was told to rest, and not get more injured. But I think I was able to continue. "Can do then do lor, cant do then dun do." I didnt like the feeling of myself resting when every1 else is working. I feel uneasy. Finally finished, then pack up and load tonner then unload tonner, then oil stores, then clean rifle then send rifle for armourer inspection. All the SAW failed, cause of 1 dirty area which we were nv taught to clean. Then drama strikes again (life nv boring wif JJ around :D ) I suddenly lost 1 part of my rifle! OMGOMGOMG, (haha, I know this line appear many times) No kidding, can be charged for it, and the whole bn cant book out because of it. Kan Jiong till like dunno wat, finally found the part inside my pant(thx ah fook for his idea) after turn the place upside down. Dun ask me how it get there also. Then another part also missing... OMGOMGOMG, chey false alarm the part is in rifle. My state of mind wan to berserk liao. I going nuts... Finally go up pack, and wait for book out. Fall in at 845, book out at 1045 -_- Rush to wait, wait to rush as usual. Go home super shag, read paper, online a while koon liao.
Hey guys and girls, this is my last post b4 I'm going in. Rightfully I shd make it out, but who knows I may not =x (HEY, you siao ah, curse urself) In case this is my last post ever, I would like to thank _________ (fill in ur name) Ok crap time over! What a complicated feeling about having to go back in again. This afternoon, I spend 1h squeezing and packing my army stuff, another 1/2h trying to fold 1 smart 4. Haiz, looking at them already makes me sick! Having to go back means early morning, toxic food, early nites, no life, no freedom, but on the other hand, you get to meet up wif friends. Ok, the friends arent worth the trouble. Haha =x For me, I'm the company* fav guy. (*an infantry coy on avg have over 100 people) I'm bluffing u when I say 95% of the coy knows me. Cause 99.5% do. Actually 99.5% knows my nickname, while only 50% knows my name. T.T A familiar scenario: "Who's JJ, neh, the sl*t lor" "Orrh, sl*t ah, I rmb" Everywhr I go, ppl greet me like I'm the CO. -_-" Not that I can stop it, in fact, I rather they dun call me... Since for every ICT, there would be new guys coming in to fill up the voids left behind by ppl for any reasons, I will do my best to welcome them and make them feel at home :D I'm sure by the end of the 5 days my fame will be even greater and widespread in this small island... "Cheers to JJ! Hip yip, Hooray!" Pray for my return plz.... & 1 last thing, dun try to jio me out during these 5 days, I dunno what I will do to u. Try at ur own risk...
Sat I was supposed to meet Wilson(3G) and his friends/my new friends, ZX, SM at 1430 at lavender. Thus I set 2 alarms for myself at 12noon. But the 2 alarms failed to bring me out of bed, and when I finally woke up its.... 1320! Lol, but 1320 better than 1420pm. So I scrambled alittle to get myself ready. Due to my good effort I was juz 20min late when I reached, and I was on the same train wif Wilson. This means no1 haf to wait for me, those who arrive 'on time' were waiting for wilson :D Ok, speaking of zx and sm, they are Wilson sec's friend, I 'befriended' them from DotA games, but have never officially met them, thou I have tried peeking at their photos haha... Off we go to beach road to get some army stuff (wat else), and they soon know wat I'm capable of. Muahaha. After Wilson done his beach road shopping, we ate ice at the dessert stall below. I wonder why they reject my coldness but embrace the other instead :( After that, we took 260 to Kallang Leisure Park. My first time there, and the journey along Kallang Stadium brings back alot of memories from my NDP 06. Haiz, me is old... Our initial plan was to bowl then dinner, however plan was destroyed then we were told waiting time is 2-3h for the bowling lane !_! Shocking for a shopping mall which seem rather empty =x Really, the place itself is rather free of people. No knocking into people, blocking some1 else's way. I like : ) Hence there is a need for a plan B We walk up and decided to watch Drillbit Taylor. In the meantime we went arcade. I play my fav aeroplane game, haha, again. Felt cheated, 50c for only 2 life. What's worse? 1 life, 1/2life?(-_-, wrong game) button spoilt? Button spoilt still can claim from counter lor! Lastly, we decided to show our team bonding accumulated from our DotA games by playing picture hunt. Haha, I got no flair. ZX (the stalker) got stalker vision, aim veri de zhun. SM use primal roar "there, top right... ROAR!" -_- Hehe (kb). Then we went to a figurine shop, look at all the collection wa here wa there. Haha, abit sua ku. Finally it's time for movie. Other than the 4 of us, there's only 2.5 people watching the show. Honestly speaking, it was a lousi show, it was mostly boring, even thou its juz a 90min movie. I miss bowling T.T Dinner was at Kallang Mac House. Since I was very hungry, I nv had a proper breakfast nor lunch, I order a fishy meal + 20pc nuggets to share among 4 and after that 1 more double cheeze burger. I sure make use of the meal to make an impact on them, so much so ZX said "Wilson this is the first and last time we going out with JJ" I think it's a good thing. No? Then we parted ways, knowing this is juz another beginning of a long lasting friendship. Speaking of which, I took 1.5h to get home, while they reach in 30min. Wilson+SM+ZX: 3 X 30 = 90 min JJ: 1 X 90 = 90min Looks fair doesnt it? T.T
Date: Thursday I woke up today knowing I got things to do. First, meet kok haw for lunch. There I was cycling 3/4 way to boon lay market, whr it starts to rain. -_- I kan jiong and cycle faster, too fast. The road was wet, my tyres are wore out, I skidded, and fell. It was a controlled fall, but still a fall, haiz. So when I reach bl market, I was half wet. The NE-KH didnt console me and had to say, if u are punctual u wun get caught in the rain. (I was late by 3min then), really not evil. So he went for his hair cut, while I pick up some items. I went to JP's POSB and UOB to settle stuff. (Dun call me boss, I'm juz the runner/cycler) Distance travelled by bike, 6km. Insert jokeList of DOs and DONTs for ICTDONTs1. No long and coloured hair**** Checks will be conducted at the Guardroom, offenders will be refused entry into the Camp ComplexAbract from some msn conversationWilson Ong: "Let's go dye hair, dye hair liao dun need to go for ICT"JJ: " -.- ok plz go ahead, see you in DB*."*Dentention barrack- army's jailActually wun end up in DB la, juz an exaggeration.My hair was long too, so I went for my hair cut. Dun pray pray, 5 days only, dun later become 5 weeks. After that meet kok haw for run in JJC. Haiz, cant run, security guard dun allow, anyway, alot of ppl, quite paiseh to run in front of them too. Kok haw decided to run in the area, I wanted to do an actual 2.4km timed run, so I turn ard to JW stadium. !_! JW stadium having match today, not open to public. Zzzzzzzz. Bo bian, turn back cycling home, feeling buey song, sped on the pavement, a few near-miss, when crossing road using pedestrian crossing, a lorry anihow, attempt to chiong to beat me reaching him first. Really almost 'beat' me. !#$%^&@* Sian want to run also cannot, guess have to postpone to nite. Distance travelled by bike= 8km. Total distance cycled today= 14km Sry, I'm juz feeling frustrated and need to rant abit.
Day: Tuesday 全家福(almost) As you all know, I will be going for my ICT/reservist the very next week, so it is time bring out all my stuff to check what's missing and to detox my equipments. So I spent half an hr to take out my black duffel back from the storeroom (shagged) and I was happy to find out there is no ecosystem spawning anywhr. However 1 veri impt thing is missing -___-! Can u all spot the missing item? First prize: my kiss Ok, I actually deterring ppl. Haha, my dear SBO is MIA(missing-in-action). T.T I immediately track back to the last time when I see it. I realised I already lost it b4 my ORD. I only rmb part of the story: I either lend it to some mugger, who decided to lose/keep it, or it was really actually mugged from me. Either way, I dunno whose the mugger. So LLST. I decide to borrow from kian hao, he navy, lol, no need sbo, relac jack.
Then went to JEC for lunch and IRONMAN movie, juz b4 I left my house, 2/4 tell me they eat lunch at home, so left 2 guys to eat wif me. I reach then found out only kok haw eating wif me, kin onn fly aeroplane, say he fever (suddenly). Argh... Lucky I haven bought tickets. After lunch, we went arcade to c ppl play, I play 1 game. My fav aeroplane game, 1942? Lol, actually I not sure of the game name. Juz need to know how to siam the bullet, missle, laser, watever crap the game throw at u and return fire. Haha.
Finally all is here, and we went in. At first I tot JEC cinema was renovated, but end up only the outside is. The seat is still as chui, wif little leg room (majiam budget airline), but the show rox. I dun really understand some of the american humor. But the show glue me to the seat, and soon, everything else doesnt matters. As most of you already know, there is a epilogue after the long credits. Here's my version: "You think you are the only superhero ard, Ironman?" "You Ironman, I Nsmen."
Well, monday was a public holiday, it is long since my dad had been at home for 2 days consecutively. (My dad works 6days weekly.) I was allowed to slp till 12pm b4 I was arised from my slumber. Let's go IMM. So, we had our lunch there, and walk ard looking for a present for my sis upcoming 18th bday. Recce first, buy next time, haha. Then we went daiso, look look c c, followed by Giant for materials for dinner. I told myself I need to run today, as a form of motivation, I jioed Mr Not-Evil Kok Haw (I say u not evil, u happi? :D), and wilson, kh at least got reply me "tmr?", wilson is dao -.- But I think Mr NE-KH tmr also wun run. Haha, kb =x Haiz, without an appointment, I gave myself 10 thousands and 1 reasons of why I should not run... The weather today veri hot, today is vesak day, bah bah. Even my sis ran today... Shocking indeed. Thus, I past my first window of running, nvm, I go to the stadium after my dinner at 8pm for a timed run. On tv = watch, open net = read blog ---> ppl complain no update. K la, update lor, got some technical problem, already 9+. Stadium close liao, still wait for u! Diao, feel bad for not keeping my promise to myself, so I changed into my PT kit, and forced myself to run. Maybe because of inadequate warm-up, or I haven been running at this speed, I only managed a 15min for approx 2.6km. Equal to about 13min for 2.4km. FAIILED!!! -_-" I was sad, like that how to silver? But at least my pull up improved, 10.9, haha, shd be able to do 12, if I be abit more unstandard, *caution this is a bad example, 小弟弟,叔叔是有练过的. After run cool down, do abit of static, feed some mozzies, do some more pull up, got str but no breath. I dunno y need stamina to do pull up. Ok, shagged enouf, be prepared to feel the wrath of my muscle tmr. "I am your muscle, hear me ROAR!" T.T
Last friday I went gym wif kin onn and fiz to condition my body for the upcoming Ippt. Since there is a bball session coming up on the very next day, I didnt dare to overstress myself, if not i will be overtired and then pom the bball by accident like purposely overslpt, with my handphone switch off by coincidence  Even so, it's 2h b4 we left the gym. Come saturday, came first bad news, sy cant go, means sy's friend wun be going also :( Less gal for me to show off my prowess to... Haha, no la. So I went on my bikey to JJC. I was quite punctual, only late 15min. Lol The people which turn up was alot less than on the list, was abit disappointed. Kian hao strain his foot while walking downstairs looking at zha bor, zl's boss summon him to office, corina nv c email -_- So since I was *punctual* , there is not enouf ppl present to start a game (only got 5), if eugene bring his gf will be good --6, haha, but I think he dun dare.  So as we wait for our balonglong jx to come and then slowly fill up her bottle which took 10min, I did some warmup. (stretching is impt to minimise injuries) Finally first game kick off , err, I mean bounce off... Then even later zk arrive to make a total of 7 ppl. Haha, every1 want to be in the 4 people team, then oh-pai-somg so mani times, keep saying unfair unfair(some gal). Lol, only 1 gal there. As I was playing, I have my fans cheering for me "JJ go, go JJ!" They having some camp over there, cheering for themselves 顺便cheer for me also. Then my friend wilson like to emphasize on the C part, as in JJ 'si' (die/死) -_- I didnt play well that day, abit dun wan to move, dun wan to jump. I was a Nua-ster. Zk on the other hand was very enthu, chasing after ball, shooting quite well. Muz compliment him. They keep suggesting to come my house play mj. But my house no mj, no table. They even tempt me by saying will organise singing session for me. I was abit tempted  , but I dao them. Haha, muz haf 骨气. After that went jp for lunch then go home. Evil kok haw try to trick me say they go jw market to eat. Lucky I not stupid.
Wow, I'm truly happy that so mani people are visiting my blog, allowing me to entertain them, and gifing me positive feedbacks. 小弟在这里谢过了。:D However, you (my good/not so good friend) shd know, my life is not very exciting and interesting so it is not possible to update my blog too often, unless u like to read my daily routine. Example: 1230-Reveille 1330-Brunch 1400-Nua 1700-TV 1900-Dinner 2000-Cont to nua then wait for dota 0000-Supper 0300-Lights off Not veri fun to read right? Well, I will be coming to my new post soon, so wait patiently.
Tuesday morning at 12pm, kian hao sms, "Badminton?" I was still slping so I see liao, heck care the sms... Then he called, "Wan to badminton?" Actually I was feeling quite nua from my run juz 15h ago and wanted to reject, but hearing his eager voice, somehow I couldnt turn him down. Ok was my answer. So wake up, on com, dota? Haiz cant play, lunch back by 10min. Kok haw tell me dun go for badminton, he dun want to see my face.  Then he tell me to bring shuttlecocks. Bring shuttle for? LOL 355, kian hao call me to bring shuttle also, say no 1 haf. -_-" That makes me boss, I dun go they cant play :D No la, JJ is a nice guy, wun leave his friends in the lurch. Only go abit later.  Reach there, saw some1 unfamiliar there, tot i go wrong place. Oh, eugene's gf. Well, the more the merrier :D So I put on my wrist guard (from previous exp, my wrist chui after too much smashing) and we started playing, whack ah, smash yah! Kok haw sibei hostile, tapai aim me, I so thin also kenna whack 3 times. If not for my fast reactions (:>) I would haf been more badly injured. “球,不是这样打地!”  I won almost all my games other than 1, I pair up wif eugene's gf. We almost won, 13-15. Well, the opp team say they gif chance (放水), but I think they juz finding an excuse to save their own face. Bwahaha. No la, maybe they really got. [JJ is (trying to act) fair] In another game, my team was leading like 8-1 ard there, b4 losing count, and the sinister kok haw strikes again, and start counting from love-love again -.- 不愧是kok haw, proved (VED) Nevertheless, we were unstoppable and carry on to own them.  All good things muz come to an end, and I went home with my even more chui body. (Ps: Lol, this post say alot of bad things of my buddy dear kok kok, hope he ict dun shoot me too much arrows =x)
Ytd was a family gathering day. Basically, it was my uncle's bday + a celebration in advance for my cousin 21st bday + mother's day. Lol, save resources. My dad wan to go up earlier to chat with my uncle (another 1), so I accompany him up there to Pasir Ris. My dad make me the driver of his (company) toyota truck for the trip. I was !_! Here a picture if u dunno how it looks like:  I have droven this thing for several short trips but this is the first time I drove it for such a long distance. The expressway wasnt veri smooth, with some jam (no butter) along the way. (Hey, I didnt cause the traffic jam hor) My dad was quite scared of my driving and didnt allow me to exceed the speed limit of the truck nor overtake some slower vechicles. No fear, JJ's here! Knowing there probably wun be anything too exciting in my uncle(s) house(s). I brought along my library book with me to kill time and the book itself. Speaking about the book, it is rather demoralising, there's a total of 1.7k pages, I spend 1.5h only can K 100 pages. So 1.7k page will take me 26h. Guess I need to jiayou more, b4 the book expire. At my uncle house, the one wif the celebration, dinner starts at 7pm, buffet catering style. The food serve was Peranakan, wif the popiah filling in the crispy 'biscuit', and laksa etc... The food is generally nice, and the leftover was 'tabao-ed'. Haha. Wat's a bday celebration without bday cakes? So it was time for cake cutting. 1 of the cakes was an ice cream cake. It was so hard and the 'adults' (me is small boy) take turns to try to dismember it. It was funny looking at them trying... Haha, even the chopper was used. I suggested to them to use my uncle's officer sword to cut =x Finally after 1h or so, the cake was soft enouf, and every1 (the small kids, me included) took some bites of out it. Finally finally, it was time to end the gathering and I'm here at home to tell u all about it. (3 more weeks to another Pasir Ris cousin 21st bday!)
Haha, long title for today's long entry...
Ytd was a action packed day, almost no time to rest in between. Morning wake up at 9, dad say he bought breakfast, then leave note, do laundry -_- Nv eat his breakfast, but do housework chop chop then go meet KO at JP for Mac breakfast. Went to try the mac's mc giddy, I dun like... For those who haven tried, basically is juz the normal mac bf bread replaced wif pancake wif the maple sauce. I dun like my food to be a combination of sweet and salty. So I'm nv going to eat that again. Then went gym at JW stadium. Cycle there, save transport fee :D (省省省,JJ最棒) There we met up wif Hafiz... Then start to make our $$$ worthwhile. (lol, juz found out I use 3 'then' continuously) We ended at 1350, earlier than expected, dunno y KO so fast stop? Went home, pom pom, online 1 min. "Droo, droo... 喂? Hey JJ, want to go job agency later b4 movie outing" !_! Kian hao called, he had juz finished his paper not long ago, and he already enthu. So, we went go JTC building interview 3min then proceed to douby ghaut for movie and lunch. On the train there, kok started 'mumbling' about the gal siting beside trying to eat his tofu (豆腐)... "我不卖豆腐(豆腐)豆腐(豆腐) 我在武功学校里学的那叫功夫 功夫(功夫)功夫(功夫) 赶紧穿上旗袍 免得你说我吃你豆腐" Haha, maybe shd ask kok to wear his qi pao... Then we procceed to Cathay's 日本村, cause kok wan to eat sushi. Ok, no link... We go around looking for the food we wan to eat. The rest mainly picked sushi, while I, being special, only take 1 plate of sushi (on diet?), I pick some other main dishes. When I went back the table, it's already filled wif sushi plates. I was like !_! haha... They were happily eating while I was (poor-thing) waiting for my cooked food to arrive. Then my food arrive fast and furious. First of all my fried tofu. (My muz haf everyever I go jap restaurant.) I can see the drool in their mouth and their sushi looks inferior all of a sudden :D They all started to kope my tofu (豆腐). NO.... "我不卖豆腐(豆腐)豆腐(豆腐) 我在武功学校里学的那叫功夫 功夫(功夫)功夫(功夫) 赶紧穿上旗袍 免得你说我吃你豆腐" I shd haf wore my qi pao as well (T.T) After that, we watch the forbiddened "forbidden kingdom". There are scenes whr it is supposed to be 'beautiful' but every1 laughed cause it ends up awkward. In the show, the ang moh pass thru the 'Gate of no gate', to arrive in the Chinese world where suddenly every1 there can speak english. -.-" To me it is like the 'Story of no story', seriously the show is to be watch only for action, and when u are too bored. If only the show is in Chinese, it would fare so much better. Haiz
Yesterday, I went library to borrow 'some' books to read, cause play game play till sian already... Haha, read books more beneficial right? So, wif my bikey, i cycle down to the nearest library, JW community library which is juz a 10min ride away. When I went in there, I was abit stun, so mani ppl. Not only were there students of about my age mugging, even primary 6/sec 1 looking xmm, xdd studying inside. !_! eye opener. I went to my usual wu xia xiao shuo corner and began digging. But ppl like to walk in my 'lane' pic below to illustrate... (Sry if my drawing spoil ur eye). So I have to siam a side to allow them to pass.  In the end I borrow 3 titles, and end up with 11 books. OMG! I think I borrow too much liao, imagined need to finished 11 books in 21 days. Not quite possible -_-" 
After all the trouble of carrying home, I need to carry them back to library unfinished in 3 weeks time. 只能怪自己,没想清楚. Haiz, good training for my ICT maybe? Ok, off to mug my books.